Job transfer request letter for personal reasons is written whenever an employee wants a job transfer due to any personal reason. There could be many reasons to write a job transfer request letter. Here we’re specifically sharing letter samples for job transfer request letter due to personal reasons. If you’re in a situation where you have to request for a job transfer due to unavoidable personal circumstances then check out the samples and examples shared here. Take inspiration or reference from these sample letters while writing your own.
Perhaps you are eager for a job transfer because of spouse’s job move, or family illness, or any other personal reasons. Find an appropriate sample letter that fits your situation and then makes changes in it to make your own job transfer request letter.
Few things to consider before writing Job Transfer Request Letter
You need to understand one thing that if there is a vacant position or job listing at another location then your job transfer may happen depending on how strong your reason is. In case, if there is no open position then your job transfer could be more complicated. In such a situation, you need to be more cautious & concerned while putting your request letter forward.
Before writing such letters, you need to think about the following things and then prepare your request letter.
- Analyze the type of situation you are in. Check whether there is an open position at the new location or not.
- Why would an employer allow a job transfer? Because you got a personal reason for that? Well, not every employer is a sucker for emotions. You have to convince him/ her why it’s beneficial for the company. You need to figure out the benefits to your employer by allowing you to transfer roles or locations.
Think about these questions. Your answers will set the tone for your letter. Make a convincing case for why your request for a transfer should be accepted.
How to write a Job transfer request letter for personal reasons?
Rather than asking for a favor, you should provide reasons how a job transfer would benefit the company. Present yourself as a valuable company asset, but make sure to do that in a very subtle & humble manner. You don’t want to sound presumptuous and arrogant. Here is what you could include in your letter:
What’s the Intent of the Letter: State the reason why you’re writing this letter. Make sure to be specific. It’s always a better idea to not talk in round and round.
What’s the reason for transfer request: State the reason why you want a job transfer. Your reason could be personal or professional. Writing a sentance explaining the reason for job transfer is always a good idea. For instance, “I need to relocate due to family circumstances” or “I’m excited to take up big responsibilities with this new role”.
Provide your Work Information: Provide some basic work information such as job title, department, how long you’ve been employed by the company, as well as any major accomplishments you’ve had in your role.
Be convincing enough: As mentioned earlier, you want to be viewed as aa valuable company asset rather than asking for a favor. Focus on how this job transfer will benefit the company.
Here is a sample letter template

Writing a Job transfer request letter could be difficult if you don’t have the experiance of writing such letters. It’s always a better idea to seek reference from the letter templates in order to see the correct way of writing a letter. Hopefully, you will be able to write a convincing Job transfer request letter using the sample letter shared here.
Keep checking for more letter samples and templates.