Looking for newspaper template in google docs format? If yes, then this is the correct place to download one. Newspaper is part of our lives in some or other way. However, with the advancement in technology, there are other mediums from where you can check the news. But still, there are people who prefer a newspaper to get their daily dose of news.
A newspaper is a printed piece of papers which contains information about what’s happening around the world. People read the newspaper to get aware of the surroundings or to be updated about the things which are happening around.
Here you can download a few templates of newspaper in google docs format. These templates are suitable for newspaper agencies, schools, colleges, etc who are looking to make an engaging newspaper with unique format and layout.
It’s highly recommended to make a habit of reading newspaper for educational purposes. Your knowledge is something which no one can steal from you. Many schools and colleges have their newspaper as well to keep students informed about the latest happenings. Students also get a project where they need to submit a newspaper. if you have got any such assignment then it’s time to use the newspaper templates shared here.
Creating a newspaper from scratch may take your lot of time and efforts. So why not use the free templates from here to bring some ease in your work.
Types of Newspaper Templates
- National Newspaper
- State Newspaper
- International Newspaper
- School Newspaper
- College Newspaper
- Religious Newspaper
- Research Organization Newspaper
There are a few types of newspaper which you might have seen. When it comes to publishing a newspaper, it’s not an easy task. There is a lot of research and work which goes behind. As a user, we see papers filled with information. But actually, there is a team who is working behind to gather all the important information.
Here we have shared some unique templates of newspaper in google docs, check them out to find which one is you find useful.
Editable Newspaper Template PPT Format Download
Newspaper Template for Kids
Kids should have a habit of reading newspaper to enhance their knowledge. Newspaper reading could be boring, that’s why we have tried to make it interesting with the following template. Download an engaging newspaper template for kids which could tempt kids to read it.

Free Newspaper Template Editable PDF
Here is a basic layout of a newspaper template. As you can see there is a separate space for everything i.e. main heading, content, name of the newspaper, etc. Download this template in PDF format from below.
These newspaper template samples can be of great use if you are looking to publish a newspaper. Get knowledge of newspaper layout from here. Make changes in a blank newspaper template after downloading it. Feel free to download and use these templates for any use. More such useful templates will be added here so keep on checking this site. If you need any specific template then do let us know through the comment section.